Hello out there in the bus world. This is my first attempt at writing a blog. I believe the first thing that I am to do is tell a little bit about myself. I am the Sales Director here at National Bus Sales. National Bus Sales has been in business for over 20 years turning out some of the nation’s best reconditioned buses. I have been here over 6 years and have just recently become the Sales Director as we have expanded the number of sales people.
I want all of you that read this to understand that I will always be looking forward to your responses, questions, comments, jokes or subject suggestions concerning school buses, shuttle buses, coach or tour buses, activity buses, special education or lift buses, head start buses, people movers, church buses, corporate buses, used buses, new buses, and everything bus related. Remember to check out our website, nationalbus.com and look for us on Facebook and Twitter. Check out our great inventory of good used and reconditioned buses. We get in new inventory of buses every day. Check out all of the links on this page and look for more links on nationalbus.com.
Next time, I will get into whatever new item has come up in the bus world.
Bus Buffoonery (Jokes)
'Is everyone in the bus?' asked the driver before he closed the door. 'No,' called a lady, 'wait until I get my clothes on.' All the passengers in the bus turned towards the door to look at the woman. She got on with a bag full of laundry.
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